Squid Overview

Info on Squid features, liquidity, and supported chains

List of Squid supported chains

Squid supports the top chains in-app, and is also integrated into DEXs and dApps across ecosystems for seamless onboarding and cross-chain deposits. Chances are you've seen Squid in the wild at one point or another.

The below chains are supported by Squid and available to swap to and from when using Squid app:

EVM Chains

Ethereum, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Optimism, Polygon, Base, Linea, BNB Chain, Mantle, Fantom, Moonbeam, Celo, Scroll, Blast and Fraxtal.

Cosmos Chains

Osmosis, Cosmos Hub, Kujira, Neutron, Stargaze, Axelar, Umee, Secret, Persistence, Sommelier, Stride, Crescent, Terra, Juno, Evmos, Carbon, Regen, Agoric, Injective, Chihuahua, Akash, Comdex, Archway, Quicksilver, OmniFlix, Migaloo, Mars Hub, Terra Classic, AssetMantle, Gravity Bridge, BitCanna, BitSong, Cheqd, Decentr, Desmos, IRISnet, Impacthub, Jackal, LikeCoin, Lum Network, Sentinel, Noble, Nolus, Kava IBC, dYdX, and Celestia.

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